This Looks Grim

Dear friends.

There is no way to whitewash this news: Haiti is scheduled to get hit by Category 4 Hurricane Matthew. This is very bad.
Northwest Haiti Christian Mission at Mole St. Nicolas is preparing for it with all they have available. It is, at best, a meager attempt. This is the campus and mission that will receive the boat we have currently under construction in our shop. 
While we are making preparations for the same storm later in the week, we have many available options of what to do, where to go, and in the event of catastrophe, we have insurance to provide a new start. They have none of the above.
I am including a link to their facebook page. Today's post is very humbling. Soon they will lose power and internet connection to the rest of the world.
I ask you to pause and pray for their safety, provision, and for a miracle for Haiti.

Thank you.